Requiem Wiki
This is a page RP for the fight between Oliver (ImSoGay) and Aries (NPC) as part of the Coronation Arc

The stage is set with Ollie and Aries stood in the center of a battle platform surrounded by several thousand nobles and other important people.


Aries -member of Constellation // Prince

Lets just get this over with.
Ollie WB 2

Ollie -member of Nemesis

I agree -cast a paradoxical chain around Aries neck and drags her towards himself before punching her in the stomach and sending her flying away-

Aries -member of Constellation // Prince

-sent flying but kicks the ground and flips up to her feet- Not bad -she channels flame elemental cosmo into her fist and strikes the earth sending a blazing fissure at Ollie.
Ollie WB 2

Ollie -member of Nemesis

Seki -fires a blue orb that repels the fissure-

Aries -member of Constellation // Prince

-appears behind the fissure as it's pushed away and spin kicks Ollie in the neck, before following up with a combination of cosmo enhanced punches and kicks-