Requiem Wiki

This is a page RP for the fight between Alex (Vegeta2314) and Ursa(NPC) as part of the Coronation Arc

The stage is set with Alex and Ursa stood in the center of a battle platform surrounded by several thousand nobles and other important people.


Ursa -member of Constellation // Prince

Let's have a good fight -smirk-

Alexander -member of Astrea

You're actually kinda pretty.., anyways, yeah, atleast as best as we can. -Alexander pulls out his third eye, as it winks at her, getting into his own unique stance of his own creation. Suddenly, a purple flare bursts to life around him, as Alexander's eyes looked filled with determination- Itadakimasu.

Ursa -member of Constellation // Prince

Rubba dub dub, thanks for the grub -the ground below Alex shatters and a giant snake head springs out tearing him in half with it's jaws-

Alexander -member of Astrea

... -uses Kenbunshoku Haki, as well as Intuition to detect the attack even before it happens. The moment the snake head springs out, it is suddenly struck by the force of Spoon deep into the shattered ground. At the same time, Alexander seemingly flickers closer to her, releasing a powerful strike that generates a fiery explosion by itself regardless of if the actual fist actually hits her.-

Ursa -member of Constellation // Prince

-lifts up her finger, covering it in a purple haze and her finger stops the fist dead in its tracks, pushing the flames away from her body- Frightening

Alexander -member of Astrea

-assuming the finger didn't also stop the shockwave generated by every one of Alexander's punches, the shockwave hits her with immense force. If so, the fist is simply stopped. However, at the same time, the fists that took care of the Snake suddenly turn around, coated in Busoshoku Haki. Assuming she doesn't have three hands apart from the fact that Alexander's third eye would have detected if she did naturally, Alexander's additional Nen based arms impact Ursa with even more force than Alexander's initial attack minus the associated flames and with enough force to shake the cages. These strikes would continue as they suddenly took on the properties of a drill, the technique known as Nail Punch, increasing in power with each successive strike.-

Ursa -member of Constellation // Prince

-does in fact not have 3 hands and is pushed back slightly by Alex's attack while she enhancing her torso with the same purpple haze as before which eventually leads to the shockwaves being pushed back towards Alex-

Alexander -member of Astrea

-is surprised to see that the initial attack she appeared unprepared for only pushes her back slightly. Observing the effects of his attacks, Alexander took a step back and channeled Gyo into his third eye to further observe this. Using Spoon, Alexander made a curving action with his Spoon to seemingly move the haze away from her body, since Alexander's abilities allow him to naturally move almost anything regardless of if it be material or immaterial with his remaining free hand, his Nen arms then striking the area where he managed to remove the haze with immense force, the twentieth attack in the progression of Nail Punches. Is hit by the shockwaves, but tanks them in order to land the punch, already accustomed to bearing the brunt of his own punches.

Ursa -member of Constellation // Prince

-uses hard protection to take the force of the attacks-

Alexander -member of Astrea

-learning that his techniques can work on her, Alexander jumped back, using one of the two arms behind him to create a Spoon that stuck itself deep within the ground and upturned a large portion of the entire thing with her standing upon it, and the other with the intention of scooping away a good bit of the haze with his third eye tracking her movements. Quickly activating Food Immersion as the purple flare burned brighter, Alexander seemingly punched the air randomly with yet another fist, before a rain of fire suddenly appeared directly upon Ursa's position according to his eyesight. While the otherwise orbital bombardment was weakened by the fact that it came from within a radius that wasn't from the top of earth's atmosphere , each individual blast seemed to come down far faster rate than they would have otherwise with deceptive destructive power, proving the entire earth shifting attempt to be a diversion.- Asura's Vengeance, Style #14, Quadri-armed Burner Squall.

Ursa -member of Constellation // Prince

What th- -hit and sent flying away by the attack-

Alexander -member of Astrea

-follows while she flies with his ability to track her through her Third Eye and jumps up before using Waterworks, making it harder for her to breathe if not outright drowning her. Alexander then lets out a powerful exhalation seemingly under"water", filling the area affected with the water with immense amounts of carbon dioxide, poisoning and asphyxiating her if not countered, while he holds his breath, using his abnormally potent lung capacity and water's ability to cause gases to dissolve in it to concentrate an otherwise overly lethal ability.-

